Do I need a TV License?

When would you need a TV license?

If you watch any live TV or record shows and if you watch BBC iPlayer in the UK, You need a TV license.
You need to have a TV license if you watch Live TV whether you are watching on a Television, Smartphone, Laptops, tablets, games consoles or any other devices.
black, button, communication

When I don't need a Tv License

  • If you are watching Youtube, Netflix or Amazon Prime as long you are not watching anything Live which is being broadcast on the TV.
  • If you don’t watch BBC iPlayer on any of your Gadgets. 

Other Exceptions

  • If you are over 75 years old
  • If you are Blind or Vision is severely Impaired then your TV license fee for colour is £78.75 and £26.50 for Black and White. This has to be evidence to the authorities.
  • If you are in a care home the license fee is £7.50 per room, bungalow or Flat. This is called Accommodation for residential care (ARC)

£1000 Fine if you don’t have a TV license